proven content strategies that get you better conversions

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learn my proven framework for creating a seamless content experience that turns casual followers into RIDE-OR-DIE clients

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More clarity, better content, and improved conversions without compromising your authenticity, core values, or mental health.

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Woman in Business Outfit Talking on the Phone

Design your most valuable offer so you can sell something your clients love and you feel good delivering

Woman Watering Her Houseplants
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Clarify your messaging so you can attract aligned clients that convert, return, and refer their friends.

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Execute profitable digital marketing plays without burning out.

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My name is Ashley Watkins. I have been marketing businesses on Instagram for the last 12 years. It’s crazy to think that social media has been around that long. Now, I have 2 teenage sons and a shih-tzu named Bella, and I get to spend my days helping entrepreneurs get leads and clients from organic content on social media. If you follow me on Instagram, you know I hold no punches when it comes to honesty and integrity in marketing. You shouldn’t have to scam, lie, exaggerate, or burn yourself out to have a successful business. Let’s grow your community, improve your relationship with them, and serve your purpose.

As Seen In

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Our Services

My services include comprehensive training in the form of for you, your team, or both. We offer affordable solutions for business owners at every level. Whether you are still flying solo or not, these trainings are designed to be executed.


Social Media, Email Marketing Strategy& Press Release


Social, Email & Press Release Powerhouse: Combine our best social media and email marketing strategy with a press release for ultimate brand awareness.

Organic & Paid Reach: Get organic reach on social, nurture leads via email, and gain instant credibility with a press release.

Credibility & Growth: Increase brand awareness, establish authority, and drive website traffic.

Measurable Results: Track progress across all channels and see the impact on your business.


Social Media & Email Marketing Strategy


Social Media & Email Marketing Powerhouse: Combine our Social Media Marketing Package with customized email marketing training. • Master Email Marketing: Learn the skills to create high-performing email campaigns that drive results. • Tailored to Your Needs: Training is customized to your audience, goals, and email marketing platform. • Measurable Growth: Gain the skills to track progress, optimize campaigns, and see real results.

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Social Media Marketing Strategy $1,111/ month

Done-For-You Instagram Strategy: Get a personalized content plan crafted just for you, taking the heavy lifting off your plate.

Attract, Engage, Convert: Build a roadmap to attract your ideal audience, boost engagement, and drive conversions.

Uncover Your Brand’s Essence: Define your brand voice and target audience through an in-depth discovery session.

Fast Results: Implement your complete strategy and start seeing results quickly.

Pick My Brain 1 Hour Consultation


Solve Your Top Instagram Challenge: Get 1-on-1 guidance on your specific Instagram or Facebook issue (niche, content, audience, engagement)

Get Crystal Clear: Gain insights into your current profile, ideal audience, and personalized content strategy.

Actionable Steps: Walk away with a roadmap to implement your new strategy and achieve results.

Fast & Focused: Achieve laser-focused clarity on your Instagram strategy in just 60 minutes.

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Marketing Strategists, Social Media Managers, and Virtual Assistants are the backbone of the online community. If you are not able to get results for your clients, you risk losing them. Get your clients a faster return on their investments by learning my proven method for improving social media conversion rates.

Our approach works even if your niche is competitive or your social media following is small

A Tablet On A Desk

My services work best for online service-based businesses. I have worked with over 50 brands 1 on 1 and over 400 women entrepreneurs have utilized my training to improve their online marketing.

Beauty Professionals

Social Media Specialists

Professional Service Providers

Coaches & Consultants

Web Designers & Brand Strategists

Course Creators

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